The calendar has been a digital tool for a long time. No surprise that we have duplicated birthday calendars or calendar accounts cross synchronized between services.

Edo Agenda allows to see all these calendars in a single (and beautiful, we know) interface, like never before (no clapping needed guys, you're welcome).

So it may happen that some of those calendars/events are duplicated. But don't worry, you can easily fine tune which calendars are shown and which ones should be hidden using the check-boxes in the calendar list.

On the webapp you can find the calendar list in the Planner section, clicking on the "My calendars" drop-down menu:



Check to show a calendar, uncheck to hide it and his events. The settings are then used in every view of the webapp to decide which events are shown.

The mobile app tries to de-duplicate the calendars with the same name but it is possible to select the calendars you prefer by tapping on their checkbox in the list you find at the bottom of the left side menu:

Please note that the visualization preferences are independent from a device to the other so that you can have different view for each client.