Edo Agenda allows you to create references to Projects, Todo Lists and Notes in a Journal page. 

This way you can collect everything you need throughout the day without having to look for it in the various app sections.

e.g.: you created a Todo List for the furniture you want to buy for the new flat you just rented, then you decide to go to the nearest Swedish Furniture Store on Friday to get everything: just link the Todo List you created to the Friday page in the Journal and it will be there when you need it. 

Didn't you get that armchair you fancy? Add a second link the Todo List to the next Friday, so you can keep your Todo List focused and scheduled.

Here's how to do it:

Click on the three dot button to open the context menu.

Select the day you want to link your resource to, then a preview of the resource will appear in the selected day:


You can delete the reference from the preview context menu, it will not delete the source resource. If you want to delete the source open it by clicking on the preview and delete it from the editing popup.

Link a resource to multiple days

Projects, Notes and Todo Lists can be linked to multiple day pages by repeating the "Link to day" operation for each day you want to create a link into.

The same feature can be used on the mobile app.

Link task (Assign) to a day

If you want to be even more specific in your references you can create a link even to single Preject or Todo List tasks: click on the planner icon that appears when hovering over the task and select the day you're planning to complete that task in. A task can be assigned just to a single day, repeating this operation will move the link from the page the link is currently in to the selected day page.

Auto-move to the next day

Each reference could be set to automatically move to the next day, i.e. when the reference is in the today page when the day ends the reference is moved to the day just begun. To activate this automation click on the three dots context menu and toggle the automatically move to next day button.